Wednesday, December 18, 2019

What a wonderful Wednesday!

Special Cards
The Kinder's worked on a special project today. Recently we learned of a problem ... we learned that not all seniors receive holiday cards from their friends and or family. We felt that this was a problem that we could easily solve! Today we spent time making cards for the seniors for the home in our community. Our hearts warmed knowing that we would be making someone else happy by making them a holiday card.

Happy Holidays from the most wonderful group of AM and PM Kinders!!

Monday, December 16, 2019

The Kinders started their week off creating Holiday cards to accompany a special gift.
The students practised both kid-spelling and copying environmental print to create their greetings.

This morning we had gym. In the gym we practised a lock down so that we would be prepared in the event that there were a lockdown or a practise one.

Later in the morning the students went through their first lockdown practise drill. When the alarm went, students move quietly into their safe location by the green dot in our classroom. We sat on the floor and stayed as quiet as possible until our school constable came to tell us what a great job we did. Nice work AM Kinders!

The PM Kinders enjoyed some cajoling in the afternoon. Fa la la la la la la la la

Image result for caroling"

- Wednesday Dec 18th is the last day of school for New Brighton Kinders
- Thursday and Friday are conferences
- We return to school on January 7th

Friday, December 13, 2019

Happy Friday!

This morning we started off with free choice learning tables - the same tables that the students have been working at all week.

During our community circle we shared what we were most excited to do with our families over the winter break.
We decided to do a journal entry on that topic.
Ask your child to tell you about their drawing.

We played alphabet bingo. Working in pairs the students tried to get 4 letters in a row. We had lots of fun working together to recognize the letter on the smartboard and on our board.

We worked on two secret tasks today for some special people in our lives...hint hint...

The students had a great morning working together!

Have a wonderfulweekend!

Thursday, December 12, 2019

This morning the AM Kidners had a "catch-up" time.

We worked hard to finish the math challenge that we started earlier this week --- "will your tree fit in your house?"

Many students were able to use their snap cubes to prove whether it would or not.
They were able to count how many blocks taller/shorter it was to prove if it would fit or not.

Afternoon Kinder's worked on a journal entry about what they are most excited to do/for over the winter break.

We then headed to the gym to listen our amazing choir!

Rock Stars of the Day!

AM Kinders tomorrow!

Hello my lovely Kinders and their families! Well today was going to be your first official day of Spring Break ... how times have changed...